I wrote a song recently about time and how it runs away with us. The second verse features the tax return which is always left until tomorrow . . . until there isn't another tomorrow!
As Christmas approaches and we down tools to spend time with friends and family, I've always had the prospect of the busiest month of the year about to descend, but of course, this year it is a little different and rather exciting. For the first time in two decades I don't have the prospect of BA's year end to tackle before I can get stuck into completing the remaining pile of client tax returns before the submission deadline, and can actually take time out early February to recover, and maybe do some more work on my 5-string viola project, or write and record some music.
2021 has been a crazy year, and my life and work have changed beyond imagining. I'm thoroughly enjoying meeting new clients and hearing their stories. I want to thank all of you who have entrusted the preparation of your accounts and tax returns to me. If you have already sent me the stuff I need then well done, you're on my radar and in the pile. If you haven't yet sent me the information I need to complete your return, then make sure you send it over by early January, and remember the hook line . . .
Time only matters when it's running out!
Have a lovely Christmas and see you in the New Year.